R Tutorials

Below are some (now very old) R tutorials that I’ve co-developed and co-led with  Sara Weston. During our time as graduate students, we led an assortment of R workshops for the Psychological and Brain Sciences Department at Washington University, including an introductory R workshop for incoming first year graduate students and mini-workshops on more advanced topics for the entire department. Below are PDF slides, but feel free to email us if you have any questions.

R Resources Handout (PDF)

This is a list of a resources that Sara and I have found to be immensely useful over the years. This list has now been published online as well.

Introductory R Workshop to Incoming Graduate Students (Last updated August 2016)

1: Introduction to R
2: Action! (Operators and Functions)
3: Getting What You Need (Packages, Files, Loading, Saving)
4: Action Again! (Operations and Functions Part 2)

Advanced Mini-R Workshops (updated June 2017)

Advanced ggplot: Customizing your plots (PDF)
Bootstrapping and Simulations (PDF) (Code)
broom and tidyr packages (PDF)(Code)
Documenting analyses in R (PDF)
dplyr package (PDF)
psych package (PDF)
Creating Publication-Ready Word Tables in R (PDF)
Text mining in R (PDF)
Pirate Plots (PDF)

Looking to Teach-R? Check out these resources!

Tips for teaching R
Adding statistics to your ggplots
Learn how to purrr
purr tutorial